Wednesday 7 June 2017

Family Pressures and society killing dreams ??? Only two ways to get out of a trap. READ THIS OUT !

We know everything !! we know how thousand dreams are being killed and buried everyday in our society. We know how dreamers are forced or pressurized to do a job or some work that they don't want to. And of-course because of that they are stressed, depressed and wondering everyday that "what we are doing in life?" We find ourselves in a trap. In a trap of society, in a trap of parents, just feeling handicapped as we can do nothing about it.

Are we sure that we can do nothing about it ??  We can !

The only problem within people are that they are scared !! Scared to take a charge, scared to take their own stand, scared to fail, scared to face the society, scared to take responsibilities, scared for the future....scared and scared !! 


The first step towards our dream is that we have to be fearless.  Fearless from the society. You have to stop caring what society will say if you pursue your dreams. Remember its your dreams not theirs. It is you who have to walk the road alone. Your journey and your steps towards your goal !! Stop fearing about the future. Stop thinking negative. Stop worrying. Just trust yourself !! You have to trust that one day you will look back and say that " I have made it." And that will be the moment when the entire society who use to demotivate you will salute you and will bow down.  Prove people wrong. Show the that you were right and show them how it is done. But for that the first step is that you have to fearless. Be fearless and watch how things gets in place. 


This is one of the way to get out of this trap. Talk to yourself. It is very important. Think about your goals. Think about what exactly you want to become. Take advice from everyone, listen to suggestions of each and every person, but ultimately do what you think will be perfect. Because you know yourself better than anyone else in the world. 

About parents ?

Parents are god. We cannot hurt our parents. We respect them. 

But when we are sure that our passion is something else and not what they choose for us, we need to take a stand. Taking a stand does not mean fighting, abusing. NO !!

Taking a stand means to act mature and to make parents understand that what exactly you love to do. Talk to them. They love you. Tell them about your plans and how you will make your dreams will get you paid. Discuss with them about your future. I can bet they will understand you one day. 

One has to make a lot of sacrifices in order to achieve something. As we say no pain no gain. One can achieve something only if that dream is the priority. Only if he can sacrifice other things that come into the way of his dreams.

So you think !! what is your priority ??? If your dreams and goals are your priority, trust me you will achieve everything what you have panned of. You will do it.  But if you yourself have kept society at the priority then you cannot complain.  It all starts you !! No one can stop you, only you yourself can and that is exactly what you are doing. Stopping yourself :)

Break the chain right away !!  

I hope this article is of a little help. Because at the end only you can make miracle happen. Everything is a waste of time if you yourself don't have zeal and you yourself are lost. So find yourself and make the game on :)


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